Riots broke out in Belfast last night, following the scenes at Harland and Wolff's shipyards during the day, when all Nationalist workmen were driven out.
The most serious street trouble was in the Nationalist quarter, and troops were brought up to keep rival crowds apart. The firing of blank shots did not subdue the disorder and one round of live ammunition was fired.
One man was killed and five wounded. Two policemen received serious wounds caused by stones.
The decision to expel the Nationalist workmen from the Queen╒s Island shipyard followed on a dinner-hour meeting of Unionist workers.
The meeting was attended by 5,000 workmen, inflammatory speeches were made, and a resolution was passed that all Sinn Fein workers in the yard be boycotted.
A mob of 600, flourishing sticks and Union Jacks, went through the yards and ordered all the Nationalists to ╥clear out.╙ Any who demurred were set upon and beaten.
Some eluded chase by jumping into Musgrave Channel and swimming to the opposite side. By four o╒clock the yards had been cleared of Nationalists.
Troops manned the Queen╒s Road when the workers who remained at work left at six o'clock.